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Message par Krönos Mar 14 Sep - 1:10

MMO Champion, s’est livré à une nouvelle en règle des fichiers de la version 12942 de la béta. Il nous en a extrait toute une tripotée de hauts-faits qui vous intéresseront immanquablement. Hauts-faits de guilde, généraux, d'instance et de PvP n'auront bientôt plus de secrets pour vous :

Les nouveaux Hauts-faits BlizzBlizzard sur Haut-faits de guilde

Guilde - Général

* Crittergeddon (WIP) - Kill 100,000 critters
* That's a Lot of Travel Time - Complete 50,000 quests.
* A Daily Routine - Complete 50,000 daily quests.
* The Daily Grind (WIP) - Complete 100,000 quests.

Guilde - JCJ

* Now That's Teamwork - Win 1000 Rated Battlegrounds while in a guild group.
* Stick Together Team - Win 2000 Rated Battlegrounds while in a guild group.
* Stick Together Team - Win 2000 Rated Battlegrounds while in a guild group.
* The Perfect Guild Storm - Win a rated Eye of the Storm match with a score of 1600 to 0 while in a guild raid.
* Guild Gulch - Win a rated Warsong Gulch match with a score of 3 to 0 while in a guild raid.
* The Buddy System - Win 500 arena matches with a team composed of guild members.
* Killing With Friends - Win 1000 arena matches with a team composed entirely of guild members.

Guilde - Professions

* Gemcrafter Extrodinare - Cut 25,000 gems of at least superior quality. (Old - Cut 10,000 gems.)
* Master Crafter - Craft 1,500 Epic items with an item level of at least 359. (Old - Craft 1,000 Epic items.)
* That's A Lot of Bait - Catch 50,000 fish from fishing pools.
* We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat - Catch 100,000 fish from fishing pools.

Les nouveaux Hauts-faits BlizzBlizzard sur Haut-faits du joueur


* Helping Inscribers Pay the Bills - Learn 20 glyphs for your class.


* From Hell's Heart I Stab at Thee - Defeat the Whale Shark in Vashj'ir (despite or perhaps because of the fact that he drops no loot). Title Reward: Ishmael


* I Had It in My Hand - Find a rare artifact. Title Reward: Assistant Professor
* What was Briefly Yours is Now Mine - Find 5 rare artifacts. Title Reward: Associate Professor
* It Belongs in a Museum! - Find every rare artifact. Yes every one. Stop whining. Title Reward: Professor

Démonstrations de force

* 1000 Dungeon & Raid Emblems - Loot 1000 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.
* 2500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems - Loot 2500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.


* 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Complete the Neptulon quests in Vashj'ir up to and including Defending the Rift.
* The New 344 Milimeter LePage Glue Gun - Shoot down 999 Schnotzz Aces during the Tailgunner! daily quest in Uldum.
* Help the Bombardier! I'm the Bombardier! - Kill 10 Schnotzz infantry with one artillery shell during the Fire From the Sky daily quest in Uldum.
* King of the Mountain - Complete the Twilight's Hammer quest chain in Twilight Highlands up to and including Skullcrusher the Mountain.

Les nouveaux Hauts-faits BlizzBlizzard sur Haut-faits de raids & donjons

Raids & Donjons - Raids

* Keeping it in the Family - Start [phase 3] with Nefarian below 50% health and then defeat Nefarian in Blackwing Descent.
* Double Dragon - Killl 2 Twilight Fiends in the Twilight Realm and then defeat Valiona and Theralion in the Bastion of Twilight.
* Glory of the Cataclysm Raider - Complete the Cataclysm raid achievements listed below.
* Argaloth - Defeat Argaloth in Baradin Hold.
* Heroic: Argaloth - Defeat Argaloth in Baradin Hold on Heroic difficulty.
* Parasite Evening - Defeat Magmaw in Blackwing Descent without anyone in the raid becoming infected with a parasite.
* Achieve-a-tron - Defeat the Tron Council in Blackwing Descent without being hit by the following attacks.
* Silence is Golden - Defeat Atramedes in Blackwing Descent without any raid member's sound bar going over 11.
* Full of Sound and Fury - Defeat Chimaron in Blackwing Descent with only 2 raid member deaths.
* Abberant Behavior - Kill 12 Aberrations within 12 seconds on the Maloriak encounter in Blackwing Descent and then defeat Maloriak.
* The Only Escape - Defeat Halfus Wyrmbreaker after defeating two drakes within 10 seconds of each other. The Emerald Whelp pack counts as one drake for this purpose.
* Elementary - Defeat the Elementium Monstrosity in the Twilight Ascended Council encounter in Blackwing Descent with only one Liquid Ice patch.
* The Abyss Will Gaze Back Into You - Defeat Cho'gall in the Bastion of Twilight before any raid member earns more than 30% Corrupted Blood.
* I Can't Hear You Over the Sound of How Awesome I Am - Defeat Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic difficulty on the first attempt without letting any raid members die.
* Stay Chill - Defeat the Council of the Four Winds in the Throne of the Four Winds while everyone in the raid has at least 7 stacks of Freezing Wind.
* Four Play - Defeat Al'Akir in the Throne of the Four Winds while under the effects of 7 or more stacks of Feedback.

Raids & Donjons- Donjons

* Crushing Bones and Cracking Skulls - Get Rom'ogg Bonecrusher to kill 1000 of his adds with his Skullcracker ability in Blackrock Caverns on Heroic difficulty.
* Arrested Development - Defeat Corla, Herald of Twilight before any Zealots become Evolved Twilight Zealots in Blackrock Caverns on Heroic difficulty.
* Too Hot to Handle - Defeat Karsh Steelbender after he has reached 10 stacks of Heated Armor in Blackrock Caverns on Heroic difficulty.
* Ascendant Descending - Defeat Ascendant Lord Obsidius before he gets 4 stacks of Mortal Strike in Blackrock Caverns on Heroic difficulty.
* Old Faithful - Get Lady Naz'jar to kill 1000 of her adds with her Geyser ability in Throne of the Tides on Heroic difficulty.
* Prince of Tides - Defeat an Unyielding Behemoth while you have the Tidal Surge effect during the Ozumat encounter in Throne of the Tides on Heroic difficulty.
* Rotten to the Core - Defeat 60 Disciples within 2 seconds during the High Priestess Magneto encounter in the Stone Core on Heroic Difficulty.
* No Static at All - Completely avoid the Static Cling effect during the Asaad encounter in the Vortex Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty.
* Extra Credit Bonus Stage - Collect 5 Red Coins in a single visit to the Vortex Pinnacle on Heroic difficulty.
* Kill It With Fire! - Defeat 3 Burning Souls during the High Prophet Barim encounter in Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic difficulty.
* Acrocalpyse Now - Defeat 20 Frenzied Crocolisks within 5 seconds during the Lockmaw encounter in the Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic difficulty.
* Headed South - Defeat Siamat, Lord of the South Wind, with 3 stacks of Lightning Charge in Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic difficulty.
* I Hate That Song - Interrupt Temple Guardian Anhuur within 3 seconds of his casting Reverberating Hymn in the Halls of Origination on Heroic difficulty.
* Straw That Broke the Camel's Back - Defeat Earthrager Ptah while mounted on a camel in the Halls of Origination on Heroic difficulty.
* Sun of a.... - Defat Rajh before he casts Blessing of the Sun in the Halls of Origination on Heroic difficulty.
* Faster Than the Speed of Light - Complete the Vault of Lights within 5 minutes of entering in the Halls of Origination on Heroic difficulty.
* Umbrage for Umbriss (NNF) - Defeat General Umbriss while he is cursed in Grim Batol on Heroic difficulty.
* Don't Need to Break Eggs to Make an Omelet - Defeat Erudax before any eggs hatch in Grim Batol on Heroic difficulty.

Les nouveaux Hauts-faits BlizzBlizzard sur Haut-faits de JCJ

Joueur contre Joueur

* Three's Company: 1100 - Earn a 1100 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena.
* Three's Company: 1350 - Earn a 1350 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena.
* Three's Company: 2400 - Earn a 2400 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena.
* Three's Company: 2700 - Earn a 2700 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena.

Champ de bataille - Bataille pour Gilnéas

* Battle For Gilneas Victory - Win Battle For Gilneas.
* Battle For Gilneas Veteran - Complete 100 victories in the Battle For Gilneas.
* Battle For Gilneas Perfection - Win the Battle For Gilneas with a score of 2000 to 0.
* Bustin' Caps To Make It Haps - Take 50 flags in the Battle for Gilneas.
* One Two Three You Don't Know About Me - Assault 3 bases in a single Battle for Gilneas.
* Out Of The Fog - Defend 3 bases in a single Battle for Gilneas.
* Not Your Average PUG'er - Come to the defense of a base in the Battle for Gilneas 50 times by recapping the flag.
* Don't Get Cocky Kid - Overcome a 500 resource disadvantage in a match of the Battle for Gilneas and claim victory.
* Full Coverage - Win 10 Battles for Gilneas while controlling all 3 flags.
* Newbs To Plowshares - Win the Battle for Gilneas in 6 minutes.
* Jugger Not - Win the Battle for Gilneas by 10 points (2000 to 1990).
* Double Rainbow - Perform a /gasp emote under the double rainbow in the Battle For Gilneas.
* Battle For Gilneas All-Star - Assault and Defend 2 bases in a single Battle for Gilneas.
* Battle For Gilneas Assassin - Get 10 honorable kills at each of the bases in a single Battle for Gilneas.
* Master of the Battle For Gilneas - Complete the Battle for Gilneas achievements listed below.

Champ de bataille- Les Pics jumeaux

* Twin Peaking - Win 2 Twin Peaks battles.
* Twin Peaks Veteran - Complete 100 victories in Twin Peaks.
* Two-Timer - Personally carry and capture the flag 2 times in Twin Peaks.
* Top Defender - Return 50 flags as a defender in Twin Peaks.
* Soaring Spirits - Kill 100 flag carriers in Twin Peaks.
* Soaring Spirits - Kill 100 flag carriers in Twin Peaks.
* Twin Peaks Perfection - Win Twin Peaks with a score of 3 to 0 without dying while also getting at least 1 killing blow.
* Peak Speed - Win Twin Peaks in under 7 minutes.
* Cloud Nine - In a single Twin Peaks battle, capture and return a total of 9 flags.
* Cloud Nine - In a single Twin Peaks battle, capture and return a total of 9 flags.
* Drag a Maw** - Kill 3 different Orcs in a single Twin Peaks battle.
* Wild Hammering** - Kill 3 different Dwarves in a single Twin Peaks battle.
* Altitude Sickness - In a single Twin Peaks battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the Wildhammer Stronghold.
* The Dragon's Maw - In a single Twin Peaks battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the Dragonmaw Flag Room.
* Endurance Training - Grab the flag and capture it in under 75 seconds.
* Endurance Training - Grab the flag and capture it in under 75 seconds.
* Twin Peaks Mountaineer** - Perform a roar emote while sailing through the air with the flag while under the effect of a speed power up and either slow fall or levitation.
* Double Jeopardy - Win a Twin Peaks battle after being behind by a score of 0 to 2.
* Master of Twin Peaks - Complete the Twin Peaks achievements listed below.

Champs de bataille cotés

* In Service Of The Alliance - Win a rated battleground.
* In Service Of The Alliance - Win 30 rated battlegrounds.
* In Service Of The Alliance - Win 60 rated battlegrounds.
* In Service Of The Alliance - Win 100 rated battlegrounds.
* Veteran Of The Alliance - Win 500 rated battlegrounds. Title Reward: Veteran of the Alliance / Veteran of the Horde

Champs de bataille cotés - Titres de la Horde

* Scout - Earn a battleground rating of 1000. Title Reward: Scout
* Grunt - Earn a battleground rating of 1100. Title Reward: Grunt
* Sergeant - Earn a battleground rating of 1200. Title Reward: Sergeant
* Senior Sergeant - Earn a battleground rating of 1300. Title Reward: Senior Sergeant
* First Sergeant - Earn a battleground rating of 1400. Title Reward: First Sergeant
* Stone Guard - Earn a battleground rating of 1500. Title Reward: Stone
* Blood Guard - Earn a battleground rating of 1600. Title Reward: Blood
* Legionnaire - Earn a battleground rating of 1700. Title Reward: Legionnaire
* Centurion - Earn a battleground rating of 1800. Title Reward: Centurion
* Champion - Earn a battleground rating of 1900. Title Reward: Champion
* Lieutenant General - Earn a battleground rating of 2000. Title Reward: Lieutenant General
* General - Earn a battleground rating of 2100. Title Reward: General
* Warlord - Earn a battleground rating of 2200. Title Reward: Warlord
* High Warlord - Earn a battleground rating of 2300. Title Reward: High Warlord
* Hero of the Horde: Vicious - End PvP season 9 in the top .5% of of the rated battleground ladder. Title Reward: Hero of the Horde

Champs de bataille cotés - Titres de l'Alliance

* Private - Earn a battleground rating of 1000. Title Reward: Private
* Corporal - Earn a battleground rating of 1100. Title Reward: Corporal
* Sergeant - Earn a battleground rating of 1200. Title Reward: Sergeant
* Master Sergeant - Earn a battleground rating of 1300. Title Reward: Master Sergeant
* Sergeant Major - Earn a battleground rating of 1400. Title Reward: Sergeant
* Knight - Earn a battleground rating of 1500. Title Reward: Knight
* Knight-Lieutenant - Earn a battleground rating of 1600. Title Reward: Knight-Lieutenant
* Knight-Captain - Earn a battleground rating of 1700. Title Reward: Knight-Captain
* Knight-Champion - Earn a battleground rating of 1800. Title Reward: Knight-Champion
* Lieutenant Commander - Earn a battleground rating of 1900. Title Reward: Lieutenant Commander
* Commander - Earn a battleground rating of 2000. Title Reward: Commander
* Marshal - Earn a battleground rating of 2100. Title Reward: Marshal
* Field Marshal - Earn a battleground rating of 2200. Title Reward: Field Marshal
* Grand Marshal - Earn a battleground rating of 2300. Title Reward: Grand Marshal
* Hero of the Alliance: Vicious - End PvP season 9 in the top .5% of of the rated battleground ladder. Title Reward: Hero of the Alliance

Messages : 60
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2010
Age : 37

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